Celebrating wildflowers and pollinators in the Adur and Worthing Community, and further afield.

Green Tides CIC is the local partnership of Friends and green space volunteer groups across Adur and Worthing. The Wildflower Trail is a project for bees and people, working with local communities, groups and schools to grow, promote and maintain wildflower sites.
The Wildflower Trail is a collection of sites across Adur and Worthing dedicated to growing wildflowers for the benefit of pollinators and our local community. We want to celebrate this and encourage others to explore our green spaces and feel inspired to dedicate a small patch of ground, or even a flowerpot, to growing wildflowers themselves at home.

Our pollinators need us. Climate breakdown, habitat loss (In the UK we have lost around 97% of our wildflower meadows ….) and the overuse of insecticides and herbicides has put huge pressure on our native pollinators.
It is important to help our bees and insects, as they are a key part of our ecosystem. Through the pollination of crops they provide us with around a third of the food we eat and are a vital part of the environment as food for other species. If it were not for them, our diets and lives would be a lot less wholesome. Worryingly they are in decline.

The council and community groups are already doing lots of great projects. Various friends of groups and residents’ associations are enriching our greenspaces with wildflowers. We believe we can and should do more. The Wildflower Trail map will help showcase the work being done by community groups and others.
We want everyone to get involved and get onboard. We will make free wildflower seeds (enough for a 1M2 patch) available to anyone who wishes to help at home. Even small patches, pots or verges, provide steppingstones of energy for bees and resting places for insects. Plus, they look beautiful!
We have developed a map on our homepage to highlight areas across the local area that you can visit and enjoy.